Make sure to check it out on youtube! ;-)
My favourite bit is: "I have it on good authority: If you type 'google' into google, you can break the internet. So, please, no one try it, even for a joke."
Here you go:
ja, mein leben hier in berlin allem, was dazu gehört zum so-called "modern life" (das ja bekanntlich "rubbish" is!): uni, leute, selbstverliebtheit, INDIE (also musik), lesen, filme, klamotten...das volle programm eben! ;-) viel spaß!
3 Kommentare:
I just broke it!
oh no!!! you never listen! ;-) and don't forget: she's head of IT! ;-)
BTW: try typing in "elgooG" and click on the first link that comes up! this way you can reverse the internet! really!
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